Sports. Not now. With the organisation awarded charity status in November ’21, the time has now come to recruit Trustees to help shape the vision, facilities and programme at the new 10,000sq ft sober. Its a relaxed atmosphere, open to. As a bisexual chemistry and science teacher, Paul joined Kirkcaldy High in 2012 and has supported the KHS LGBT+ group over a number of years, improving the representation and visibility of LGBT+ young people and the issues important to them. Care Visions will be. LGBT Health and Wellbeing. Our current services: For enquiries you can call us freephone on 0800 051 7676 or email [email protected]. LGBT+ Radio for Fife - a community discussion Hosted By The Hive - Fifes LGBT+ Centre. The review of hate crime legislation in Scotland has recommended the inclusion of intersex as a separate category, rather than a sub-category of transgender, in what could be a legal first for the UK. Forgot account? or. Rural LGBT+ Voices Scotland. June 10 2022, 3. We’ve. The incident happened at around 9. Fifes first LGBT+ Centre - Kirkcaldy. It is on Thursday, January 26 from 11:00am to 2:00pm. The Mercat Shopping Centre. Community Organization. Stories and photos from Scotland. And in a survey of people who attended, it seems the event could offer a big boost for local businesses, with an estimated £150,000 being spent in the town on. A rainbow ceilidh has raised almost £3000 for Waverley Care, the HIV and Hepatitis C charity. After two years of development, charity Pink Saltire opened the dedicated centre which aims to be a safe space for the LGBT+ community. Create new account. On Saturday, the streets of a former industrial town in the heart of Fife was awash with rainbow colours and music as Fife Pride held their hugely successful annual event in Kirkcaldy. Related topics: Fife Kirkcaldy Sign up to the weekly Slow Reads newsletter. PRIDE SALTIRE-East Lothian. The 2020 ‘Pride in Scotland’ calendar features images from a record breaking year of Pride marches and events, from Stornoway to Dumfries, which has seen over 70,000 people take part in 21 events in the last 12. By Allan Crow Published 7th Sep 2022, 12:14. The Hive website. 240 Followers. KINGDOM’S FIRST LGBT+ FILM FESTIVAL LAUNCHES IN KIRKCALDY. The letter, sent to Special Days Cakes in Uddingston, was sent anonymously and opens with “Dear Poofs”. 2022 PRIDE DATES. Pink Saltire are the local charity supporting LGBT people in Fife since 2014. The Dundee film is part of a 3-year filmmaking project called ‘Through The Lens’ which Pink Saltire are running in Fife, Glasgow and Dundee. or. @TheHiveLGBTFife. K&S Handreared Birds. Photo credit: Lennox Herald. LGBTQ+ Clothes Swap. Despite the comments from some people of faith, both events will undoubtedly bring about a step-change in visibility and recognition of the LGBT+ community in more rural areas. A new inclusive floorball sports club is launching in Perthshire this month, with the focus firmly on getting LGBT+ people active and involved in something new! The ‘Perth Parrots’ have been formed in the hope LGBT+ people from the local area have more choices to make friends and socialise with other people too – and its the first LGBTI. Create new account. COVID SUPPORT. kingdom’s first lgbt+ film festival launches in kirkcaldy; it’s goodbye from us… census legacy will support lgbt+ digital inclusion; happy heads for young people at the hive; the hive – a new vision for lgbt-run spaces in rural areas; recent commentsThe company is backing local charity, Pink Saltire, for their ‘Queering The Map’ event, to be held in Kirkcaldy town centre on Sunday 4th July – also national Thank You Day! The charity will be inviting locals to contribute to a community generated mapping platform, creating a collective of LGBT+ experiences from Fife for future generations. Related Pages. Nonprofit Organization. UK satellite broadcaster Sky has announced its support for The Hive LGBT+ Centre with a £2,000 donation! The company, which employs more than 1,000 people at its Dunfermline contact centre, has provided funding for equipment at the new community hub, opening in Kirkcaldy soon. The charity have now extended their mental health service to support LGBT+ people in Fife, thanks to funding from Comic Relief’s LGBT+ COVID-19. The Hive LGBT+ Centre • Kirkcaldy. Value: £32,825. In a survey of 1,005 Scottish people between 3rd and 10th May 2019, it was also found that almost 1 in 10 (8%) would think other people might describe them as homophobic. Nonprofit Organization. Parents are welcome to attend with young people or through family counselling sessions available via Lindsey. After a tough few weeks, with The Hive being targeted several times with graffiti and vandalism, including more recently threats by phone, the team deserve some time to recharge together. Forgot account? or. Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard. On November 2, 2022 By Tish Wolfsong In fife, Kirkcaldy, LGBT, LGBT+ support, Non-binary, The Hive, transgender Leave a comment Our November meeting is this Saturday afternoon, 5th November, 2:00 - 5:00pm, at The Hive LGBT+ Centre, 10 Whytescauseway, Kirkcaldy. kingdom’s first lgbt+ film festival launches in kirkcaldy; it’s goodbye from us… census legacy will support lgbt+ digital inclusion; happy heads for young people at the hive; the hive – a new vision for lgbt-run spaces in rural areas; recent commentskingdom’s first lgbt+ film festival launches in kirkcaldy; it’s goodbye from us… census legacy will support lgbt+ digital inclusion; happy heads for young people at the hive; the hive – a new vision for lgbt-run spaces in rural areas; recent commentsA new LGBT history and storytelling podcast based in Edinburgh hopes to bring queer stories to life through spoken word. Father Paul Morton, of Saint Bride’s Parish Church in Cambuslang, has called for prejudice based bullying and discrimination to be “a thing of the past” as he offers his support. Pink Saltire are steering a new aspect of the study, prioritising face-to-face activities to help build conversations and the options of how a hub could be brought to the region. 2,234 likes · 228 talking about this · 3 were here. . Search for: CHARITY NEWS, Community, NEWS. . The ‘Rainbow Heartlands’ project will see LGBT+ charity Pink Saltire co-ordinate a programme of activities and events to get people back together again in February and March across Perth & Kinross after many months apart. Grampian Pride organisers are also holding a LGBT Quiz Night at the Aberdeen Arts Centre on 24th November. Save this event: LGBTQ+ Clothes Swap. . Alfie’s. The Hive is Fife's dedicated LGBT+ community centre, based in Kirkcaldy and founded by Pink Saltire. The Fife-based charity for LGBT+ people, Pink Saltire, are encouraging folk in the Kingdom to reach out if they are struggling with their mental health during the ongoing lockdown restrictions. The Hive - Fife's LGBT+ Centre. The Hive LGBT+ Hub can be found at 10 Whytescauseway and is currently open Monday to Saturday between 12. Queerie Events. The Hive - Fife's LGBT+ Centre launch promo Pink Saltire 288 subscribers Subscribe 162 views 10 months ago KIRKCALDY A launch preview of the brand new LGBT+ community centre opened in. The Mercat Shopping Centre is. com. Get along for a coffee and some cake and keep supporting. November 24, 2020. The Hive - Fife's LGBT+ Centre 2d · This coming Thursday at The Hive, come visit and speak with Care Visions Fostering for all the information you need on being a foster. Research has suggested over 1 in 5 Scots (21%) would not describe themselves as open-minded and accepting of LGBT lives. PERTH DRAG QUEEN TAKES THE SALTIRE. Hate crime in Scotland against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people is at its highest ever level, statistics released today reveal. com. Tales from the mouth of a wolf. or. Thu Dec 08 2022 at 05:30 pm to 08:30 pm. Watch the latest video from The Hive - Fife’s LGBT+. The charity has since gone from strength to strength, this year attracting over 7,500 people to Perth city centre, boosting visibility of LGBT people and also the local economy, with an estimated boost for businesses over £200,000. A short film produced by young people from Kirkcaldy was released earlier this year, focussing on politics, society and the media. The reality is that offering LGBT+ people the chance to have their identity properly reflected in a modern national census, whether in pre-defined options or as a free-text option written in, makes the data MORE ACCURATE and reflective of ALL of Scotland’s population. A new podcast series from Pink Saltire launches today, focussing on the experiences of LGBT+ people aged 50 and over in Scotland. Figures announced today show that 187 individuals or families were supported between December 2020 and March 2021 with just over £17,000 of funding for the charity. We cannot wait to welcome everyone to Fife's first dedicated LGBT+ Centre in Kirkcaldy soon! Keep an eye here on our socials for the latest news on the official opening date. We are no longer taking new applications for support due to overwhelming demand. **. They’ve recently introduced gender neutral spaces around the school, including. The specially-written quiz will celebrate 6 months to go until Pride day! Across on the West coast, the Isle of Bute Pride was the first LGBT+ events ever held on the island and attracted a huge amount of publicity and support in. The next phase of a community consultation has launched looking at the options of launching an LGBT+ hub in Perth & Kinross. 30pm. Photo Map: Tap on the map to travel: Indigo Sun. LGBT+ inclusive education at Kirkcaldy High has had a hugely positive effect on the ethos of the school and has actually boosted support for all forms of diversity. A new short documentary is exploring issues of stigma and discrimination in Scottish sport which LGBT+ people continue to face. A blog post collated by Policy and Engagement colleagues at LGBT Youth Scotland highlights the unique ways in which the pandemic has affected young people. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information. The group won the prestigious COSLA. 1 – Dr Paul Murray, Kirkcaldy High School. Find out more. Pink Saltire The Hive LGBT+ Centre 10 Whytescauseway Kirkcaldy Fife KY1 1XF. Raku pottery, vases, and gifts. This company is located at the official. We operate from our base at the new Hive LGBT+ Centre in Kirkcaldy. Watch the latest video from The Hive - Fife’s LGBT+ Centre (@thehivefife). Speaking to LEAP Sports recently, he said:. Pink Saltire plans to establish an LGBT+ community hub in the former furniture shop in Kirkcaldy town centre. Our LGBT+ hardship fund re-opened on Monday 4th January 2021 and has supported more than 300 clients from across Fife and Perthshire. KINGDOM’S FIRST LGBT+ FILM FESTIVAL LAUNCHES IN KIRKCALDY;. Speaking to the Lennox Herald, Sandra said: “A couple of weeks back, I went on Facebook and I saw a homophobic remark directed at Annemarie’s son, Dylan. Come along and be yourself in our great home venue. FIFE COUNCIL FUNDING WILL HELP DELIVER THE HIVE. Counselling. Park. As well as a march through the city centre, the event will feature live entertainment, including local bands and acts, with stalls and displays from LGBT organisations. Nonprofit Organization. The event was held in March at The Assembly Roxy in Edinburgh, with sponsorship from MHD Law and Wood Mackenzie. A new group aiming to improve the mental health and wellbeing for LGBT+ young people has been launched in Fife. We acknowledge the vital role. 1,092 likes · 174 talking about this. Related Pages. 00pm. Create new account. PHOTO-2019-12-17-21-22-30. LGBT campaigners and organisations in Scotland are mourning the sudden loss of an outstanding ally this week, Anne Patrizio. Anne was involved in the development of the Parents Enquiry Scotland organisation from 1989, which offered support and advice for parents of LGBT people right across the country. Kirkcaldy; All LGBTQ+ listings in Fife. The Hive - Fife's LGBT+ Centre, Kirkcaldy, Fife. Announcing the support, which comes from two separate funding streams, LGBT+ charity Pink Saltire said they were “delighted” with the news. The Hive - Fife’s LGBT+ Centre (@thehivefife) on TikTok | 574 Likes. Controversial US fast food chain ‘Chick-fil-A’ have closed their only Scottish outlet after a row over their anti-LGBT donations. Reverend Burton’s opening comments at Perthshire Pride were an expression of compassion and welcome, and they were healing words for many LGBT+ people who have been rejected by their faith community. Sunday. . A march and festival event attracted over 3,500 people and has been hailed a huge success in its first. Nonprofit Organization. Post navigation. A grant for £8,275 will help Pink Saltire to create a new inclusive centre for the LGBT+ community in Fife, located in Kirkcaldy town centre. Fifes first LGBT+ Centre - Kirkcaldy. Owners of a speciality cake shop have been targeted by homophobic hate mail today. Scottish Trans Alliance. ♂️ ♀️ All the details available. OurStory Scotland. Please visit our link tree for more information:. Find out more. Parents are welcome to attend with young people or through family counselling sessions available via Lindsey. The funding will allow the charity to make some internal changes. Police are investigating after vandals daubed homophobic graffiti on. The Renegade Press. The Alchemist's Studio. Rural LGBT+ Voices Scotland. The Hive is Fife's dedicated LGBT+ community centre, based in Kirkcaldy and founded by Pink Saltire. Bringing a former teacher of Fife under the spotlight, Kath Duncan was a staunch civil rights campaigner and activist from the early 20th century Join biographer Raymond Barron-Woolford as he. Search for: Meta. “There is something for everyone as always and we’re using our creativity to ensure there are plenty of photo opportunities which will be fun,. A keen historian, Tommy has also been adding some fascinating facts to his walks, often signposting locals to the important buildings and meeting places of past generations, hitting the headlines of Glasgow’s Evening Times. An estimated 5,000 people came out, marched in solidarity and stood proudly as we celebrated our rights and the progress over 50 troubled years since the. Community Organization. The Dunfermline Knights are an LGBT-inclusive rugby team from Fife and they travelled to Dublin at the weekend as part of the Union Cup 2019 tournament. Product/service. ”. A new LGBT+ Pride event has been confirmed for the Dumfries & Galloway region, with a date set for 15th September 2018. The group ran “Bin the Bill” adverts in today’s national newspapers, which seem to completely contradict their position just a few weeks ago to “Press Pause” on the reforms!kingdom’s first lgbt+ film festival launches in kirkcaldy; it’s goodbye from us… census legacy will support lgbt+ digital inclusion; happy heads for young people at the hive; the hive – a new vision for lgbt-run spaces in rural areas; recent commentsOrganisers have confirmed Dundee Pride will go ahead at City Square on Saturday 22 nd September, the first time an event like this has been held in the city. The LGBT Co-op have released details of a public meeting for their ‘Mardi Gla’ event, thought to be the first co-operative set-up for a. The Hive LGBT+ Centre. Hive Happy Heads meets weekly from 5. Nonprofit Organization. Just tag us or Pink Saltire in the original post comments and we'll be awfy grateful! ️See more of The Hive - Fife's LGBT+ Centre on Facebook. “We are part of a shared community of learning across NHS Scotland, helping to improve the healthcare experience of LGBT+ patients across Scotland. I also work in Kirkcaldy as a tattoo artist, I work at Spaghetti tattoos. Come along and support us, meet new people and hear about the exciting plans we have for Fifes LGBT+ centre. A Glasgow school is embracing inclusion with pupils leading the charge to make life better for LGBT+ students and staff. Welcome to the Rainbow Responders hub! Managed by Pink Saltire, the Rainbow Responders programme was funded by The National Lottery Community Fund with an aim to improve our collective understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on LGBT+ people in Scotland. Pet Supplies. One of Glasgow’s most popular LGBT+ venues has had its doors sprayed with the words “Poof’s Out” in a wreckless act of homophobic vandalism. Diversity Week Fife. Black Boar Knives.